Egad! How is it December 17 already?! It just seems like it was September not that long ago.
Went and checked out Zoolights at the zoo last night. So much more fun when it's not -40C like it usually is when I go. A chai nog in hand, it was the perfect night to go for a walk and look at the pretty lights and ice carvings. Most of the animals were hiding though.
I've been rocking the weightloss thing recently. Funny, when you actually follow a program (WeightWatchers Points Plus), it works. Huh. Who knew?
For dinner last night (and tonight), I made a yummy veg and fish soup. It was quick and easy. I added carrots and celery and threw in a bay leaf, too.
Tomorrow, it's Thai Chicken Thighs with black beans and sweet potatoes. I'm throwing it in the crock-pot tonight so it'll be ready in the morning. YUM!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Where does the time go?
Posted by H-woman at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Christmas Carol Project
On Saturday night, I attended an AMAZING concert: The Christmas Carol Project.
I'm not one for traditional Christmas carols. Not at all. Those radio stations that play Christmas music 24/7 starting in November? I can't stand them! Thank goodness I don't work in the mall, or I'd be loonier than I am already!
But get a group of incredibly talented musicians together, add a classic tale of Christmas and the end result is magical.
This is my favourite song:
It's like Folk Fest at Christmas. Really, life doesn't get any better than this!
Posted by H-woman at 9:39 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 11, 2011
My favourite noodle house is closed until January 2! Whatever will I do?!
Posted by H-woman at 11:02 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 2, 2011
Sad Weekend
For a couple of reasons:
- I found out this morning that my dearest friend lost her dad. And not even a year since her mom died. It's been my own worst nightmare since I lost my dad: becoming an orphan. My heart hurts for her and her family. I wish I could give her a great big hug and tell her it'll be OK. But I can't. And that makes my heart hurt even more. So if you could send out an extra prayer tonight, I know somebody who could use it.
- It's the final weekend of my Anusara Immersion series. Our beautiful group of goddesses are gathered for one last weekend and as much fun as it was rockin' out to Micheal Franti before we tackled our practice leading up to Padmasana (Lotus pose), it was bittersweet, too. I guess what I've learned most today is that we always carry a little piece of everyone we meet and interact with, with us. And that's not a bad thing at all.
But a great big piece of good news happened today, too! My friend, C got a clear bill of health. No sign of the lymphoma that was there this time last year. So even while my heart hurts for M & her family & my own little kula, it bursts with happiness.
Bitter and sweet.
Forgetting and remembering.
Steadiness and surrender.
Contrary compliments.
This entire existence is a spanda, a pulsation, and all we can do is take it all in: the good, the bad, the easy and the difficult. And know that we are never, never alone, even when it feels like we are.
I honour the place in you where the entire Universe resides.
I honour the place in you of light, of love, of truth and of peace.
I honour the place in you, where if you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me,
There is only One of Us.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I Am A Good Cooker
I just made the most tasty of dinners!
Salmon a la RunnerGirl48.
Roasted Vegetables with Couscous and Feta from Spilling the Beans (sans garbanzos).
Posted by H-woman at 7:19 PM 1 comments
Labels: recipe
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Go Buy This Book!
You *must* go buy this cookbook: Spilling the Beans: Cooking and Baking with Grains Everyday by Julie Van Rosendaal & Sue Duncan.
You won't be disappointed!
Posted by H-woman at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: books
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Still Alive!!
But barely! =)
Been busy going to physio and the doctor, catching up with friends, studying the 'Gita, cuddling with Nerm (thank you broken/old boiler) and enjoying 40 degree temperature changes.
Life is good. I am blessed. Sometimes I forget that. We've spent a lot of time talking about that in our Immersions. We forget the Universal/Divine. But then we Remember. And that's the sweet spot. We will forget again. But we eventually Remember again. The circles, loops, and spirals surround us and are in us. <3
Posted by H-woman at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Long time, no post...
So here's a brief recap of what's been occupying my time:
- experimenting with gluten free baking for my yoga teacher
- completing Anusara Immersion II (oh wow oh wow oh wow)
- visiting my doctor & physiotherapist to help the tennis/golfer's elbow
- having lunch & dinner with old and new friends
- dating adventures
- driving to the airport in snow storms
- rejoining WW and losing 4.2 pounds the first week (5 if you go by my scale, which I'm more apt to believe anyway)
- teaching some pretty amazing yoga classes
- catching up on Coronation Street while curled on the couch, in front of the fire, snuggled up with Nerm
- keeping a close eye on snowfall in the mountains. I have a season's pass that's primed and ready to go!
Posted by H-woman at 4:40 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
11.1.11 Run
30 min
3.97 km
7:34 min/km
316 cal
Posted by H-woman at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: running
Taking Yoga Off the Mat
One of my reading assignments for my last Immersion was Pada One of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. I have 3 different translations (Desikachar, Stiles and Satchidananda).
I starred this one during my first teacher training and it was a good review to go back and re-read.
By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard toward the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness. (Sri Swami Satchidananda)
By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward happiness,
compassion toward suffering,
delight toward virtue,
and equanimity toward vice,
thoughts become purified,
and the obstacles to self-knowledge are lessened.
(Mukunda Stiles)
My goal for the rest of the year is to try and maintain these attitudes both on and off the mat. Sometimes it's easier said than done, though...
Posted by H-woman at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: anusara, philosophy, reading, relationships, yoga
Saturday, October 29, 2011
One Week After...
And I feel good. Really good!
How was the race? Awesome, once we got to about 6K and my calves finally loosened up a bit. Not so good between 30-40K (that's to be expected though), excellent finish!
How was my time? Believe it or not, only a few minutes off my best. Not bad for half-assed training!
I am a marathoner! Times three!
Posted by H-woman at 11:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: marathon training, running
Monday, October 17, 2011
One Week Out...
from 42.2km in Niagara Falls!
I went for a short run today--the first since my long run two Mondays ago (stupid Thanksgiving cold got the best of me). It was hard, I'm not going to lie. But you know what? I know that I can run 42.2km. I've done it before. I know that I can walk 42.2km. I've done it before. So what if I don't qualify for Boston? Not that that's even a remote possibility at this point. =P
I am a runner.
I'm not fast. I don't care, because I don't run for anyone but ME.
So today there were no earth shattering or Guinness world records broken. But it was certainly a beautiful day for a run!
4.11 km
8:01 min/km
323 cal
Posted by H-woman at 1:29 PM 3 comments
Labels: marathon training, running
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Rocky Mountain Food & Festival 2011
Best. Festival. EVER!!
They have obviously listened to some of my previous feedback! There were more tables. There was more room between aisles. It was nice not to be limited to 3 hours to taste everything.
There was good food. Good wine (some bad wine, too). Good vodka. then we went out for martinis....
Let's just say that I'm rehydrating today!
Posted by H-woman at 3:35 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 14, 2011
Fab Friday
Cuddling with Nerm.
Retail therapy.
Phone calls.
Staying in jammies till 1700h.
Ignoring the messy house and choosing instead to watch Steven & Chris with Nerm.
Getting ready to call it a day now. Big day tomorrow: yoga and the Rocky Mountain Food & Wine Festival! I'm torn--do I wear comfortable (read: ugly) shoes and have happy feet or wear fabulous, fun, PURPLE shoes and have slightly angry feet by the end of the night?
Hmmm....well, good thing I have a huge claw foot bath-tub for soaking those poor feet in!!
Posted by H-woman at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Things I Am Thankful For
(In no particular order)
- A cuddly cat named Nermal. I can't believe we've had 3 years together already!
- A Sunterra market close to home. Well, 2 locations close to home.
- My chosen family. They know who they are.
- My regular family (well, most of 'em, anyway!). =)
- The mountains, where ski season will hopefully begin in 30 days! Yep, 30 days!! There's snow along the Divide chair.
- My health, despite the annual Thanksgiving cold. A clear scope and Lupus in remission for 10+ years are reasons enough for me to be thankful.
- NeoCitran (the real deal and the LifeBrand), my neti pot, my diffuser and Saje Immune essential oil, Emergen-C (tangerine flavour) and a comfy bed, clean sheets and cuddly cat (see #1). Oh, and a doctor's note so that I could rest and recover.
- Starbucks Tazo Chai. I know, I know, it's pure sugar, but man, it's tasty. And there's caffeine. That's a good thing.
- Eggnog! See #8.
- Sunshine, even in October. Today the sun was shining and it was a beautiful, fall day. A walk along the river was just what the doctor ordered.
- Soft Kleenex. See #7.
- My yoga mat. My yoga practice. My yoga kula.
- Did I mention Nermal? Yeah, she's pretty cute.
Posted by H-woman at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 7, 2011
In True Turkey Day Tradition
I have my annual Thanksgiving cold. Oh yeah, fever & chills, aches & pains and snot production that's through the roof. I've had no dairy today and am thinking that as much as it pains me to do, it may help me get better sooner. The caffeine withdrawal is a bitch, though. Just sayin'.
My arm is loving the time off, too. Tennis elbow without the benefits of playing tennis sucks, but physio and rest seem to be making a BIG difference. This makes me happy.
No big plans for the turkey weekend except rest and relaxation. And being thankful for friends and family.
Nermal and I wish you all the happiest of Thanksgivings. Gobble, gobble.
Posted by H-woman at 5:25 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 3, 2011
4 hours 3 minutes and 45 seconds
My ass seized at 25K.
Final stats: 1801 calories, 26.6K, 9.09min/km
It was gorgeous outside! A gorgeous fall day, perfect for a run.
Posted by H-woman at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Run Forrest, Run!
I want to be more like Forrest Gump. That guy could run and run and run and run some more. Me, not so much. But I got my ass out there, which is more than most people can say. My goal was 8K or an hour, whichever came first. But then I saw my good buddy, 3 Post Hill and thought, hey, why don't I go say hi. So I did two hills that weren't part of my original route. The sun also came out in full force and I was overdressed. Again. Sheesh.
557 cal
I'm not fast and you know what? I don't care. I run because I feel good (usually not during, but sometimes. Always afterwards). I run because I can be outside in the sunshine. I run because I can. I run so that I can feel my body--my breath & my strong legs propelling me along paths and roadways that most people don't take advantage of.
It's a beautiful fall morning out there and I got to be a part of that. If I was going faster, I would have missed the lone leaf bouncing across the pathway. Or the baby that waved as I passed. Or the mallard duck that the group of birders pointed out along the river. I don't want to miss those things.
Posted by H-woman at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sunday Long Run and Lots of Time to Think
That's what I love about a long run. It's just you, your breath, your footsteps and your thoughts.
1453 cal
20.69 km
I was aiming for 21.1, but I hit the wall at 17 and decided to take the shorter way home (which is also conveniently along a bus route, should that be necessary). Now, to make friends with my good buddy the foam roller, finish this post-run chocolate moo and hit the shower. I have to be at work at 3 and miss out on another glorious fall day. Good thing I just spent 3 hours out there!
Posted by H-woman at 12:15 PM 1 comments
Labels: marathon training, running
Friday, September 23, 2011
Today was one of those runs. You know, your legs feel like lead, every breath feels like your last and you just can't find your groove.
I eked out 4.1 km and you know what, I'm OK with that. The next one will be better.
Posted by H-woman at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I Love Fall Running!
It's cool and crisp, yet sunny! Who could ask for more?
7.89 km
7.5 km/h
531 cal
Now, must make lunch & dinner, shower my stinky, sweaty self and go for a massage before work!
Posted by H-woman at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running, weather
Monday, September 19, 2011
Kinda Random
My weekend was amazing, but I'm still processing everything. For once, I can't think of the words. I think this may have happened once or twice before, but I can't remember when.
Friday marked the beginning of my Anusara Immersion series. Oh, well before all that, I went to my Friday morning class and almost did the splits, followed by the bird of paradise (well, my version of it--it didn't look quite like this):
Coffee, Farmer's Market and Costco followed. And there may have been a stop at Superstore (for new sheets) and Urban Barn (for new duvet cover). Oh, and back up to Thursday where I had a colonoscopy (just my five year check up and all is good. The prep is worse than the actual scope.).
Back to yoga...we're a small group, all women. We clicked right away. We spent the whole weekend together learning the Tantric philosophy that Anusara is built upon. There was also anatomy. And asana practice. And laughter. And tears. More laughter. More tears. Tea. There was also tea. It was overwhelming (in a good way) and yet I can't wait to go back for more. Like Noah says, "There's always more. More harder. More dangerous. There's always more."
Oh, and there was a Don't Cry for Me, Argentina Malbec party on Saturday night. I may have been very glad that we didn't have to go upside down till very late on Sunday...
Post-script: After publishing, I realized that I was also speechless last weekend after Desiree's workshop. Apparently this has happened at least three times...
Saturday, September 17, 2011
In yoga all weekend! Last night began Immersion I (I'll be done all 3 by the first of December). So far, so good!
Posted by H-woman at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I'm trying to wrap my head around the kazillion things that happened, were said and done and rocked my shakti this weekend.
My heart is full.
I am blessed to be living this life, filled with fabulous friends and chosen family. My light shines brighter tonight.
Desiree shared the new serenity prayer with us:
God grant me
The serenity to accept the people I cannot change
The courage to change the one I can
And the wisdom to know
That one is me
- Mary Ann Crossno
Posted by H-woman at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 9, 2011
Drop Backs
I've been working on my back bends since forever. Earlier this summer, I dropped back from ustrasana. Today, I dropped back from standing!
What does that mean? Well, you stand, then start to bend back, back, back, back till you see the floor (there are more alignment cues than that, but that's the basic idea) then you reach your arms overhead and completely trust that the floor is there and that you'll be ok.
And you know what?
I was.
I laughed.
I cried.
And I can't wait to try it again in tomorrow's backbending class!
Posted by H-woman at 11:17 PM 1 comments
Labels: anusara
Must sleep soon!
Got up early this morning and did a quick 2.05 km (according to mapmyrun, my Garmin was dead). It was interesting to run sans technology...
Hopped in the car and headed north to the doc's for a check-up, picnic lakeside and then boarded the bus to head home again to go to work. I'm knackered!
Tomorrow (and the weekend) is busy:
-fasting bloodwork for a study I'm participating in @ the colon cancer screening clinic
-get my hair did (the grey is slowly taking over. Thank God for chemicals!)
-lunch with my yoga teacher @ The Coup (YUM)
-AMAZING weekend of yoga with Desiree Rumbaugh!!
Probably won't be around much since I'll be on my mat! Have a great weekend.
Posted by H-woman at 12:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: anusara, health, marathon training, running
Monday, September 5, 2011
When will I learn?!
I am not a hot weather runner!! But I did enjoy the sleep in this morning.
I ran for an hour and a half:
10.51 km
751 cal
8:34 km/h
Not speedy, but not bad considering it's the farthest I've ran since the end of March! I walked another 1.5km at the end (I was melting) for a grand total of 12 today. I'll take it!
Now, off to a Clinique counter and then to find me some bubble tea on this gorgeous Labour Day!
Posted by H-woman at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running, shopping
Friday, September 2, 2011
Oh Friday, How I Love Thee!
I've worked some crazy overtime in the past two days. Good news is that my overtime bank is now full (for extra days off later this fall) and even though I have to get the rest paid out, it will just about pay for one of my Anusara Immersions! If the tax man doesn't take it all, that is.
I didn't get to bed till 3 last night, but I set an alarm for 7:30...can't miss my Friday yoga class (followed by coffee and chit-chat)! I woke up feeling really great at 7, so I got up and am just starting to feel the lack of sleep now.
Today's class was great--we worked on shoulder and skull loop and tried some neat things with headstand and forearm balance (ooh, my shoulders are tight!!). I'm stoked about the workshop next weekend with Desiree and am loving my practice lately. Immersing myself in yoga studies, asana practice and kula (community) has enriched my life in so many ways that I have a difficult time articulating it. All I know for sure is that the path I'm on is true and I treasure each moment along the way.
When I got home this afternoon (yes, class is from 9:30-11 but I didn't get home till 2), I made plans to hike with C. and some of her peeps tomorrow. This meant I had to plan a "summit sammie". Now, I realize that we're hiking to a lake (Rawson), not climbing a peak, but still. I hike better when I know there's good food at the end! Enter the muffaletta! It's HUGE, but is going to be oh, so good! There's the olive spread (with fresh oregano from my patio), ham and capicola (spicy!), provolone & mozza, roasted red, orange & yellow peppers, and roasted zuke & aubergine (sounds so much better than eggplant, dontchya think?). I hollowed out a loaf of sourdough (my Safeway didn't have any other crusty, round loaves) and loaded 'er up! It's now squishing (that's a technical term, by the way) in the fridge.
I had some leftover veggies and remembered the tasty salad I made for Julie's potluck in the spring. Of course, I had no green onions or cilantro, so I had to go back to Safeway. The end product was definitely worth it, though!
Black bean vinagrette + roasted veg + black beans = Deliciousness!
Now, I must finish this cup of herbal tea (cranberry apple zinger, if you're wondering) and get to bed. It's gonna be an early morning!
Monday, August 29, 2011
That pretty much sums up how I'm feeling.
The last week has flown by and been a whirlwind of emotions. One minute up, the next minute down.
I've spent the last two weekends with my family: aunts & uncles and cousins galore. One weekend happy, the next sad.
I've watched my aunt and uncles struggle as they watch their big family dwindle in numbers. And now there are three. In the past year, they've lost two nephews younger than them, too.
And then the call this morning. That my dad's friend lost his brave battle with the big C on Thursday. He stood up with my parents when they got married. And now he's dead at 61, just like my dad. My heart is aching for my dad's friends that are left, for my uncle who just got home from his sister's funeral, only to turn around and bury an old friend, and for me.
Because I just can't wrap my head around this anymore.
Posted by H-woman at 11:07 PM 4 comments
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday Run
It almost didn't happen...I got chatting with my neighbour, and then it got hot out, but I bit the bullet! It wasn't far, it wasn't fast, but I don't care. I ran. And considering that I saw two elderly gentlemen in wheelchairs en route, I'm pretty damned grateful that I *can* run.
3.5 km
7.51 km/h
277 cal
Tomorrow I'm off to yoga in the morning (Dear Mat: I have missed you like you'll never know. I'll see you bright and early. I promise!) and then back on the bus heading for Red Deer. Mom's picking me up and we're going to my aunt's house for the night and then to Bonnyville for a funeral Saturday morning. It's a whirlwind trip, since I've got to be back to work on Sunday afternoon. It's hard watching my dad's big family dwindle to nothing...
Anyways, must sleep so that I can get all bendy tomorrow!
Posted by H-woman at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: anusara, family, marathon training, running, yoga
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
What was I thinking?
Going running at mid-day? Oh right, I didn't get up till late, then dilly-dallied around and before I knew it, it was 1130! Take note, H-woman, you are a morning runner!! Must go to bed before 0200h so getting up and out the door is easier.
Run/walk intervals:
7.54 km/h
5.15 km
408 cal
Walking(at the end):
9.19 km/h
1.35 km
87 cal
Not fast, but heck, at this point, I'm just happy to get out there!
Posted by H-woman at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running
Monday, August 22, 2011
Weekend Recap
A numbered list, because I'm still feeling tired, hung-over and a little lazy!
1. Traffic issues on Deerfoot delayed my bus 45 minutes. Grrr...but I did get quite a bit of knitting done.
2. Costco in Red Deer, even on a busy day, is better than the Calgary version.
3. I'm an emotional girl. I cried when I saw my cousin for the first time in 10 years. And introduced her husband and kids to my brother and his family.
4. Mojitos are good. Very good.
5. The waterslides were FUN! I took one for the team and drew blood. I apparently did not keep my elbows in (as the sign advised) on the Kamakazee. I also have a nice bruise to go with it.
6. We cemented our place as favourite relatives when my nephew spotted the moose! Mark (my cousin's British husband) has been to Canada 3 times and never seen a moose. It's all he's wanted to see since day 1. So what do we find, not one, but TWO moose on the way home from the waterslides! Yeah, we can do no wrong now!
7. We BBQ'd, made s'mores, drank, ate some more, drank some more and barely slept. It was a good weekend.
Posted by H-woman at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: family
Friday, August 19, 2011
Let the Weekend Begin!
Have I mentioned how much I love days off? Today marks the start of my four day weekend!
Of course, because I *could* sleep in, I awoke bright and early at 0500h. After trying to go back to sleep for an hour, I just bit the bullet and got up. I got my application for my Anusara Immersion completed and sent in, bills paid, breakfast, packed for the weekend, went for a run and got some yoga in all by 0930h!
4.03 km
326 cal
I'm enjoying a second mug of tea in the sunshine and waiting for Sam to drop by so she can get the low-down on how to feed Nerm.
This weekend is going to ROCK! My cousin and her family are here from England! I haven't seen them since I stayed with them immediately after 9/11. My brother and his family are here, too. We're gathering at my mom's today/tonight and then tomorrow we're hitting the waterslides at Sylvan Lake. My brother's got his boat, so there may also be some tubing! We're going to have a BBQ, complete with s'mores, and I'm harvesting my mint so there will be mojitos all around.
Happy Friday!
Posted by H-woman at 9:31 AM 2 comments
Labels: anusara, family, marathon training, running
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I did it!
Got out for a run, that is! I slept in (my own fault, stayed up way too late watching YouTube videos of my favourite Anusara yoga teachers) and have to be at work early today (massage therapist is coming to work and I have an appointment!!). Yikes! Didn't leave me with much time, but I wanted to go out and see if I've kicked this cold-turned-sinus-infection to the curb.
The verdict: I think it's gone!
19 minutes (hey, it's better than the no minutes I've been running lately!)
2.58 km
7.25 km/hr
207 cal
I'm a sweaty mess and sipping a cool coconut water with ice and lime to refresh. Now, to revamp my training schedule to be sure I can finish Niagara upright, smiling, uninjured and .... drumroll, under 6 hours!
Posted by H-woman at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: anusara, marathon training, running
Monday, August 15, 2011
Busy Monday Morning!
Especially since I slept in! =)
I had set some chickpeas to soak overnight, so I drained them and put them on to cook. 1 hour and 45 minutes later--beautiful chickpeas with nary a preservative in sight! They've been aliquotted into 2 cup servings and frozen (keeping some back for my lunch, of course).
Then, 25 pounds of apples got cored and sliced and frozen to become applesauce, apple crisp or apple pie at a moment's notice in the dead of winter when you'd kill for some tasty, fresh fruit!
Lunch was a new recipe (that I of course adapted):
Mediterranean Greens
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup pine nuts
4-5 cloves crushed garlic (I used garlic scapes and 3 cloves of garlic)
1 onion, sliced
2 bunches chard, rinsed and chopped (I used a mixture of chard, beet greens and kale)
1 lemon, juiced
1/2 cup kalamata olives, pitted/chopped
1/4 tsp sea salt (I omitted)
1 cup chickpeas, cooked
feta (for garnish)
Saute pine nuts until golden about 3-5 min. Add oil, onion and chard stems and saute until they begin to soften.
Add garlic (and scapes) saute 30 sec, more.
Add greens and saute until wilted& bright green, about 3-4 min.
Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients.
Garnish with crumbled feta and enjoy!
OH. MY. GOD. So fresh and so tasty!! And an excellent way to use up things that appear in my CSA veggie box each week. =)
Off to plan my yoga class for tonight (I've got it all in my head, just need to put pen to paper) and then brave the rain to teach.
Posted by H-woman at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: recipe
Friday, August 12, 2011
$230 and 62.8 pounds
That's the groceries I bought today! I had to restock my cupboards, they were looking pretty bare. Other than some soap and sunscreen and toothbrushes, everything was REAL food--fruit, vegetables or meat.
And I carried all 62.8 pounds of 'em home. That is my strength training workout for the day.
Off to work. Thank God it's Friday!!
Posted by H-woman at 2:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Healy Pass
18.7 km
1192 cal (I don't believe this at all--I had to adjust my hrm half way up (I know my heart rate was greater than 72 on the way up!) so it's probably more like 1800 cal)
9.36 km/h
620 m elevation gain
This photo doesn't even begin to do it justice! Iris took most of the photos, so once I get more I'll post them. The wildflowers in the meadows were in full bloom. The sun was shining. There was still snow up on the was truly a sight to behold. It reminded me that I am a part of something much, much bigger.
Posted by H-woman at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 5, 2011
Shine Your Light
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
— Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles)
Today's yoga class with Judy was about letting our light shine. It was about shining so brightly, from the inside out, that our hearts lifted as we bent back into the unknown. And bend, I did!
The more I study Anusara, the deeper I go--mind, body and spirit. I shone so brightly this morning, I did a drop-back from Ustrasana. I'm not sure how close I was to a drop-back from standing, but I know that I was closer than I have EVER been before. And all because I courageously opened my heart and allowed my light to shine? Really? That's all it took? It's true. Everything I need, I already have. It's in there, I just have to dust it off and let it shine.
The three A's of Anusara were all there: attitude (set the intention--shine brightly), alignment (root to rise) and then the action (trust the Divine and bend back!!). I'm continually amazed that even on a day when I'm not feeling my best (darned sinus infection and sleep deprivation), the three A's can make me as giddy as a school girl, turn my day around and leave a huge grin on my face. Who needs anything more?
So go ahead, shine your light brightly. And just see what happens.
Posted by H-woman at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Oh my!
I'd forgotten how much I love this tea:
I came home from work and made a pot and think that it will make a lovely iced drink tomorrow (or whenever the sunshine returns!)
Posted by H-woman at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: tea
Back to Work
*le sigh*
I've quite enjoyed my days off, even if they did fly by!
All weekend I was down at Prince's Island Park, soaking up the sun (and some rain) at the Calgary Folk Music Festival! It rained (poured, actually) on Friday night, but we stayed dry and warm in our lean-to. Here's me and my folking sister, Kim, and dad, Bill. We've been folking together for almost 10 years, and I love them to bits. Here's us in our lean-to:
And this was our view (the big screens were just off to the right and left and so we could see what was going on on the main stage):
Saturday and Sunday the sun returned and everyone rejoiced! Music! Dancing! Good food! Good friends! Old and new friends! Really, it's the best weekend of the summer, and it went by waaaaaay too quickly!
I had the day off yesterday, which was good, since I managed to get heat stroke on Sunday. Didn't teach yoga, just rested and caught up on Coronation Street.
This morning I awoke to pouring rain (so much for the forecast of 60% chance of showers this afternoon! Pouring rain before 9 a.m.? Sheesh! I wanna be a weather forecaster--the only job you can be wrong all the time and still keep your job. Oh wait, that could be my boss, too...)
Took the bus to the gym where I've been subbing for my friend, Sophie and taught for an hour. I came outside and lo and behold, the rain had stopped! I walked home (40-ish minutes) in the fresh air and I *think* I see blue sky out there now!
Off to work in a bit...maybe I'll play on my mat a bit first, though! Have a beautiful Tuesday!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Pisces 2011
My yearly horoscope from Elle Canada (courtesy of my mom who passed it on to me):
Consider this: First comes the thought, then comes the word.
After the word comes the deed, and the deed becomes a habit,
and eventually hardens into character. This is why our thoughts
are who we are and why they create our world. It's also why we
change the way we see our world when we change the way we think.
This change is what is going to happen to you over the next 18
months. Your thoughts will shift because of the influence of Jupiter,
the planet associated with wisdom and joy. Your happiness and
optimism will grow. This positivity will affect every aspect
of your life: your relationships, work, love life, family
connections and ambition. (Dream big!)
Your mantra: "My ideas and attitudes are shaping my life."
Oh yeah! 2011 is the year of AWESOME!
Posted by H-woman at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Monday catch-up
There's been a lot going on:
-yoga: teaching and my own practice
-running: not nearly enough, but a great 8K run on Sunday morning before the heat hit
-family: mom and nephew came to visit. Hit up the Farmer's Market in Millarville and BBQ'd and went to see Wicked. There may also have been Stampede fireworks from a 2nd story patio (sans railing--it's still a construction site, after all) and late night noodles and bubble tea.
It's all good. =)
Posted by H-woman at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: family, marathon training, running, yoga
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Tuesday Training
4.11 km
7:13 km/h
338 cal
Like Wayne Gretzky says, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." It's like that with running, you never regret going once you go. It's like that with yoga, I've never once regretted stepping onto my mat. It's like that with love, you can't fall if you don't take the first step.
What shot are you taking today?
Posted by H-woman at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: life, love, marathon training, quotations, running, yoga
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Amazing Saturday
Starts out with a run:
7:33 km/h
6.02 km
488 cal
Followed by whole grain banana chocolate chip pancakes on the patio.
Grocery shop and preparation for BBQ/Epicure party I'm hosting.
Then Restorative Yoga class with my lovely friend Catherine.
And I discovered that I have abdominal muscles in there somewhere, 'cause they hurt like hell from yesterday's crazy yoga class! I love it! =)
Posted by H-woman at 11:02 AM 1 comments
Labels: marathon training, running, yoga
Friday, July 8, 2011
Friday Yoga Class
Oh. My.
What fun we had this morning! I must admit, after getting home late, then waking up earlier than I would have liked, I almost didn't go to class this morning. But since I'm going to miss the next two weeks ('cause I'll be subbing for my friend, Sophie), I rolled out of bed and headed away from the craziness of downtown (the Stampede parade, complete with Wills and Kate, was this morning).
After a crazy intense warm-up, I started to get a little worried. I had hoped for a slower, less intense practice this morning. Hah! That's what I wanted, but that's not what I needed. What did I get? What I needed was a partnered practice that went:
Handstand --> Chataranga --> Rajakapotasana
We started in handstand, lowered ourselves down like in chataranga (our partner held our leg(s) while at the same time melting our hearts forward, bending our knees and backbending to the full expression once we were on the floor.
What's rajakapotasana, you ask? This is the variation we did:
So much fun! My feet weren't very close to my head, but there was so much heart opening (melting) and FUN! And empowering to know that I can do that. Followed by tea at S'bucks and great conversation.
What a day. My patio awaits!
Posted by H-woman at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Yesterday's Run
Had to be fast, since I slept in and my friend was coming over for brunch!
2.66 km
7:02 km/h
214 cal
I wore my speedy shoes for the first time in ages and felt pretty light on my feet. It was hot at 9 already, though! This working late is cutting into my getting up early and going for a run time!
Posted by H-woman at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday Wrap-up
What a week!
I worked four days this week and put in overtime every.single.night. Anywhere from an hour to 4.25. Sheesh! I'm a little tired and bleary eyed.
Good news, my cousin is driving to the family picnic tomorrow, so instead of being up and on a bus by 0830h, I don't have to get up until then. He's picking me up at 0930h and we'll hit the road. We've been playing phone tag--I haven't actually seen him since we went skiing for his birthday on April Fool's Day. Where has this year gone already?!
With that, I'd better hit the hay. I only got one run in this week, so if I wake up early, I'd like to go for a quick one before we leave. If not, I'm taking my ball glove, a fast ball, a soft ball, a football and a volleyball. There will be activity to be had!
Before work this afternoon, I had a quick yoga practice (obviously, these are not photos of me!):
Salamba sarvangasana (shoulder stand, Mother of all asanas)
Halasana (plow pose)
Sirsasana II (tripod headstand, king of all asanas)
I felt great afterwards!
Posted by H-woman at 1:17 AM 2 comments
Labels: family, marathon training, running, work, yoga
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Ahhh, Summer!
Today's run:
7:38 km/h
489 cal
When I left, it was already 15C and now it's 17C. Summer is finally here! This means that I have to come home from work and go to bed so that I can get up and run when it's cooler. It was warm out there this morning, but not too bad.
I'm sipping a refreshing soda and lime and then I'll be hitting the patio with my book (World Without End)! When that one's done, I've scored a paperback copy of The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest.
Summer's here and the livin' is easy!
Posted by H-woman at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, patio, running, trail running
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Hello, Weekend!!
I started mine off yesterday! I set out for my Friday morning yoga class in the sunshine and savoured every. single. minute. of. it! (the sunshine and the yoga).
In typical Friday fashion, we went to Starbucks afterwards for caffeine, community and conversation. LOVED it. When we left (2 hours later), the clouds had rolled in and there was a strong possibility of rain. There went my plans for sitting on the deck sipping mojitos all afternoon. =(
I called a local bookstore looking for a meditation cd. Apparently it's on back order, so I'm still waiting, but I did save myself a jaunt to Montgomery!
I spent the afternoon in search of accommodations for my friend and I went we go to Santa Monica (I have Sheryl Crow singing "All I Wanna Do" whenever I think of Santa Monica!)for our yoga immersions with Noah.
Met up with my peeps S & L in the early evening to get ready for the garage sale they're having this morning. Made signs, blew up balloons, priced stuff and then we went for dinner.
Today I'm off to work momentarily for a half day, then yoga, and then my patio! And laundry. The pickings were slim this morning. =)
Tomorrow: long, slow run (distance not yet known, I need to look in my book), Farmer's Market (I think with my cousin and his gf, not sure) and then the patio. I sense a strong patio theme here....
Happy Weekend!
Posted by H-woman at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tues/Thurs runs
Tuesday morning I got up and ran to meet M for brunch.
8:11 km/h
4.28 km
325 cal
It was hot, I wasn't hydrated and there were hills. Mostly all the way there was uphill. Arrgh. But I did have the most glorious banana chocolate chip pancakes when I was done!
Today, I thought I was hydrated better. It was still hot. Not quite so hilly, but you'd never know it!
7:59 km/h
6.02 km
474 cal
No pancakes for me today, but I am going out to enjoy the glorious morning on my deck!
Posted by H-woman at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Father's Day
"He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it."
~ Clarence Budington Kelland
I love you, Dad.
Posted by H-woman at 1:06 PM 1 comments
Labels: family
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Baked Apple Smoothie
1/2 frozen 'nana
fat free Greek yogurt
1 leftover baked apple
Unsweetened vanilla almond breeze
Blitz in the Magic Bullet. Eat with spoon.
I want to marry Jamie Oliver!
Posted by H-woman at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: recipe
Friday, June 17, 2011
Running the Trans Canada
It's been awhile since I've figured out how far I've ran along this route. I'm happy to say that I'm almost out of BC! And kind of fitting today, since Terry Fox's mom, Betty died this morning.
I don't know how Terry did the Marathon of Hope. Really, it's taken me a year and a half and I'm barely out of the first province. He made it from Newfoundland to Thunder Bay, ON! That indomitable strength and courage inspires me.
And I obviously need to (a) run more and (b) run faster!
So, where the heck am I, you ask? Well, I'm between Revelstoke (where my bro and nephew are sledding (yes, sledding in June!) this weekend) and Lake Louise. I'm not quite out of Yoho National Park, but I anticipate I'll be in Lake Louise by July 1st.
Posted by H-woman at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: trans canada run
Running Fool
Laura was right: You never regret the runs you do, just the ones you don’t.
I spent all day in a meeting with only a bio-break here and there. No food and only coffee (blech!). Needless to say, by the time I arrived home at 1430h, I was ravenous!! Breakfast (yummy pumpkin smoothie) was a loooooong time ago.
I made some bulgur and while that was soaking, rummaged through the fridge freezer. I found a cod fillet and a little a-ha! light bulb blinked over my head. I bought Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution cookbook last weekend and I seemed to recall a few tasty looking fish dishes. How does bacon wrapped cod with fresh rosemary grab ya? Yeah. TASTY. I had a serving of homemade Greek salad over the bulgur while the fish was sizzling away in the toaster oven.
There *may* have been a nap after lunch.
When I awoke, there seemed to be a big ball of fire in the sky! Good God, could that be the sun?! I hadn't seen it for so long I wasn't sure...
I laced up the runners and headed out while the window of opportunity presented itself. Have I mentioned how I dislike running at any time other than first thing in the morning? No? Well, I dislike running at any time other than first thing in the morning. Must have something to do with my circadian rhythms or something. Whatever. I added in this old friend, Three Post Hill, just for fun:
7:46 km/h
4.22 km
335 cal
It wasn't fun. It wasn't easy. But the weather was perfect and I feel great now that I'm done!
I'm munching on more Greek salad while the oven is preheating for my next Jamie creation: baked apples! Mmmmm....I was intrigued by the spice mixture (bay leaves?) and the addition of booze (how can this be bad?). I'm sure I won't be disappointed!
Happy Friday!
Posted by H-woman at 8:13 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Runnin' in the Rain
Well, only for the last block or so. And really, it was more like dodging raindrops. Whatever, it made for a catchy title, no?
It felt good to get out there, but there was no speed in my legs today. Apparently they're feeling yesterday's yoga class brought to you by lunge! Or it could be the 5k round-trip to yoga...
7:47 km/h
5.00 km
400 cal
I just need to make some rice to go with some leftover channa masala and dinner is ready for tonight. Add some fruit salad and voila! Off to the pharmacist, the walk-in clinic (for the shot the pharmacist will provide) then to work.
Posted by H-woman at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running
Monday, June 13, 2011
Still Blind
In fact, worse. Not much, but enough that I need to get new lenses in my glasses. Well, at least one new lens. My right eye seems to be holding it's own. Pretty sad, though, that my $200 every two years of optical coverage will cover my exam and contact lens fitting ($155) but not much else. One lens is going to be $184. Contacts are $150 (for 3 months). Seriously? Who comes up with insurance coverage like this? I cannot see without prescription lenses! It's been this way since Grade 4, people. Why can't I transfer the orthodontic coverage for my children (that I'm never going to have) that I can't use for myself (even though it's *ME* that pays the premiums) for eyecare? That's reasonable. That makes sense. Oh right, logic no longer applies.
Rant over.
If only I wasn't so afraid of lasers zapping my corneas...
Posted by H-woman at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sunday Run
After a relaxing cup of chai and pumpkin smoothie on the patio, I headed out for a quick, LSD. I've got a big day today: more trips to greenhouses (for me and mom), planting whatever we find, a stop at the big mall and then on to Red Deer and mom's house. I have an eye appointment tomorrow morning bright and early in Red Deer and then I'll hop on the bus back home in time to teach yoga.
But I digress. The sun is shining and it's a great day for a run!
4.10 km
329 cal
7:41 km/h
Posted by H-woman at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running, weather
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
To run or not to run...
That was the question this morning. But then I looked outside and was pretty sure I saw blue sky. The forecast was gloomy for the rest of the day, so I took advantage of the nice weather. It was a little humid, but the perfect temperature.
6.00 km
473 cal
7:34 km/h
Off to work this afternoon. It's gonna be rough, I'd rather be on my yoga mat!
Posted by H-woman at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Tales of Hanuman
Hanuman--The Monkey God: playfully serious, shape shifter, resourceful, your authentic self.
I don't even know how to describe how incredible the past three days have been! All I know is that I am blessed.
To have a family that loves and supports me unconditionally.
To have friends (old and new) that do the same. (Both new friends!)
To have found the courage to open to grace, both on and off the mat.
To dance with the Divine, every time I step onto my mat. And whenever I step off.
To have teachers to guide me, support me and who share freely what their teachers have shared with them.
To have a beautiful body that is strong and true. And always allows me to be seriously playful.
What I thought was our peak pose from yesterday's backbending class (as demonstrated by Noah). It wasn't. There was MORE (More deeper. More dangerous). But good!
I think this is ardha bhekasana ardha dhanurasana (half frog half bow)!
My body is sore (but in a good way, knowing that I worked hard) and my mind and heart are full. I'm going to (with these lovely ladies, I hope) continue studying with Noah next spring in L.A.! I'm so excited!
Now, off to my mat for a restorative practice...we didn't do much of that this weekend!
Namaste. _/|\_
p.s. Kimberly--I've been practicing for almost 15 years (the last six more consistently) and teaching since last June!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
This Ain't Your Mama's Potato Salad!
Oh, how I wish that my camera worked!
Loosely based on a recipe by Michael Smith (The Chef at Home).
Chop a bunch of green onions. Add a little red onion too, for colour.
Finely chop some celery for crunch.
Mash up 5 hard boiled eggs (I hate the yolks unless it's undetectable).
Then I added a bunch of Epicure Caesar dressing mix to the homemade mayo I had leftover from last week. (I did this last night so the flavor would be spectacular. It was!)
Fry up some bacon. Mmmmm...bacon. Bacon makes everything better. I dig the pig. Remove bacon, but keep the drippings.
Quarter a bag of new, baby red potatoes. Par-cook them (I nuked 'em for about 6 minutes first).
On a baking sheet lined with parchment, arrange the drained, partially cooked spuds. Drizzle with the bacon drippings. If it's not enough, add a little oil. Toss with your hands until they're all happy. Roast in a hot oven (I used convection to speed it up).
When the spuds are golden and lovely and cooked, take them out and let them cool a little. I blotted mine with some paper towel since they were so glisten-y. Throw everything together and add a 1/4 cup of shredded Parmesan cheese.
Oh. Yeah.
Posted by H-woman at 6:40 PM 1 comments
Labels: recipe
Friday, June 3, 2011
Jai Hanuman!
This weekend is all about the monkey god, Hanuman. He's seriously playful. So was our hip opening, forward bending practice tonight! Serious--we got our hips really open so that we could forward bend more deeply. Playful--there was laughter, jokes, and joyful delight as we opened to grace in our practice.
We used our mats to open our calves which was fun. Virasana...not so much, but better than it's been before! And Janu sirsasana, well, it was better than it's ever been.
Now must go soak in the tub so that I'm ready for tomorrow's backbends and hand balances!
Namaste. _/|\_
Posted by H-woman at 10:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Ahhhhh, Spring!
How I love thee!
I just got back from a run and it was awesome! The smell of freshly mowed grass, apple and cherry blossoms and a gentle breeze kept me company. Not too hot, not too cold. All in all, a pretty perfect morning for a run!
7:45 km/h
4.05 km
315 cal
Slow and steady will get me across the Peace Bridge and across the finish line at the big falls!
Posted by H-woman at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: marathon training, running, weather
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Potluck Recipes
So, what did I take to the potluck on Saturday (you may or may not be asking yourself)? I admit, it was a little intimidating taking something to a local foodie's house, but I thought to myself, "Self, you are a GOOD cooker! Do not be afraid!"
Both recipes are from my friends at Quantum Leaps Lodge (where the yoga retreats were). You can also buy the cookbook from their website. I've made (and sampled) lots of the recipes and have yet to find one that I don't like!
Tahini Garlic Dressing
1/2 c nutritional yeast
1/3 c water
1/3 c soya sauce or Braggs
1/3 c apple cider vinegar
2 cloves garlic
2 TB tahini
1 1/2 c vegetable oil
Combine all ingredients except oil in blender. Blend until well combined. With the blender running on low, slowly add the oil through the hole in the lid. Blend well.
* I don't have a blender, just a Magic Bullet, so just whiz it all together in there. Lettuce is merely a vehicle to get this dressing to your mouth!!
The salad was lots of romaine, black beans (what was left over from the recipe below), tomatoes, cucumber, red and orange pepper, red onion, avocado, grated raw beet.
And then there was the *new* recipe. The one I hadn't yet sampled at the Lodge or tried on my own before. But since everything else in their repertoire is excellent and I'd dog-eared this page as one to try...
Asian Rice Noodle Salad with Black Bean Vinaigrette
1 package rice noodles
1 medium eggplant, cut in 1 inch cubes
1 medium zucchini, cut in 1 inch cubes
1 large red pepper, cut in 1 inch pieces
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 c almonds
1/2 c black beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 c green onions, minced
Preheat oven to 350F.
In a large bowl, toss the eggplant, zuke and pepper with the EVOO and S & P.
Spread veggies on a baking sheet and roast for 30 min or until soft and golden brown. Set aside to cool.
While veggies roast, make dressing (below).
Cook rice noodles as directed on the package. Run under cold water to cool.
Toast almonds in a pan until golden and fragrant, cool, then chop.
In a large bowl, combine the rice noodles, roasted veg, beans, green onions and dressing. Mix well.
Garnish with toasted almonds (don't leave these out--they take this salad to a whole new level!)
Black Bean Vinaigrette
2 cloves garlic
1 TB fresh ginger
1/2 cup pickled sushi ginger
3 TB sushi ginger juice
2 TB apple cider vinegar
3/4 tsp sea salt
3 TB honey
1/2 c black beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 c fresh cilantro
3/4 c vegetable oil
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend well. favourite salad! I've decreased the amount of oil in the garlic tahini dressing and will do the same with the black bean vinaigrette recipe the next time I make it.
Posted by H-woman at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: recipe
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Il fait beau aujourd'hui!
So I went for a run!
Yes, that's right. I put on my Nikes and headed out for my regular li'l loop around the park. The city had just mowed the grass along the path and it smelled spectacular! The sun was shining and it felt great just to be moving and outside. Yay, spring is here!!
The deets:
7:23 km/h
4.11 km
316 cal
And in other news, I have a hotel room the Saturday night before the marathon in Niagara Falls! Separate rooms for my friend, M., who is also running, and me, and my mom, who is fabulous race support. That means that no one's snoring shall interrupt anyone else's sleep the night before the race!
Off to run some errands before work.
Posted by H-woman at 12:31 PM 1 comments
Labels: marathon training, running, weather
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Guess what I did yesterday?
Friday's class was also backbends so I've been a backbending goddess this weekend! My back body is feeling it, too.
Friday afternoon we took birthday cake to my Grandma's and celebrated 83 years. Afterwards, mom and I met up with my cousin and her hubby for an impromptu photo shoot (all those people on the street are wondering who I am) and a yummy Thai dinner at The King & I.
Saturday morning brought a quick grocery trip, another yoga class (see photo above) and then a potluck with Julie.
This morning dawned bright and early and I headed out to cheer on my friends running the Calgary Marathon (Carol) and Half Marathon (April and Kari). Good thing I went a little early or I would have missed April and Kari completely!
The rest of my day is going to be great: Farmer's Market (both of 'em), a visit to Grandma's and then a BBQ on my patio! There may even be some knitting thrown in for good luck.
Mouse is running in Ottawa this morning and I've been sending her speedy vibes! Go, Mouse, go!!
What's my next running goal: H-woman is now Registered
for Niagara Falls International Marathon.
Eeeek! Let the training begin...
Posted by H-woman at 8:14 AM 2 comments
Labels: friends, local food, marathon training, running, yoga
Monday, May 23, 2011
May Long Weekend
AKA the start of summer in Canada!
Saturday was a glorious day: sunshine, good friends, good yoga and vino! Started the day on my local S'bucks rooftop patio with E. & C. Then I went to yoga--lots of twisting culminating in:
Parsva Bakasana (side crane)
After yoga, C. picked me up and we headed over to E.'s house for some champagne (Congrats on the 30 year one-night stand!), food and girl talk.
On Sunday I got up and went for a quick run, just my Stanley Park loop (4.1 km). It was really humid, but felt good. Then I met some WW online girls downtown at Cora's for breakfast! They make a pretty good hashbrown (which is how a breakfast place is judged, remember). Then home and off to work.
Today Nerm and I have had a very quiet, relaxing day. We're still in our jammies at 2130h and have done not much more than the occasional yoga pose, knitting and catching up on Coronation Street. There may also have been a cuddlefest/nap, but I can't be certain. I seem to have lost about an hour and a half though....
It's been raining all day so it was a perfect day to decompress. I'm also excited for the week of rainy weather for a number of reasons:
1. These boots:
2. The various shades of green that pop out at this time of year. There probably won't be lilacs (my favourite flower, in case anyone ever asks) for the Lilac Festival next weekend, but for sure by the first of June! I'm excited for the first weekend of June because guess who's coming to town? This man: Noah Maze. And since my Barbados trip in November has been cancelled, I think I might take Immersion I with Noah in February...I'll check the vacation schedule tomorrow when I go to work!
3. To put out the wildfires in Alberta.
4. Knitting! I've made good progress today. And I got word from my friends in Oz that IT'S A GIRL!! Congrats to S. & D.! Now I'll need to find a quick baby project to whip up and send.
5. More cuddle time with Nerm. 'Cause there's nothing else like it. =)
Thursday, May 12, 2011
OMIGOD, I can cook!
I came home from work and whipped up an AMAZING meal: Indian Dal and Rice (from The Best of the Chef at Home Essential Recipes for Today's Kitchen by Michael Smith). I added all the extras he suggested: cumin seeds and chopped tomato. I didn't have basmati rice though, so substituted jasmine (it was just fine). I had to add more salt when serving, too. YUM! Go buy this cookbook! It also has the best cream of mushroom soup I have ever tasted.
Super easy, relatively quick, cheap and tasty, tasty, tasty. I have to say, since I broke up with the boy last summer, my consumption of Indian food has decreased greatly (it's the only thing I miss about him, really). This dish more than made up for it. It could just be the perfect dal recipe!
I had a crazy busy morning: left at 0830h and got home from yoga and race package pickup at 1252. Left for work at 1340h. I'm kind of tired, now that I think of it! Yoga was awesome, as usual.
On the mat today: adho mukha vrkshasana (handstand). And we practiced hugging in to the midline (even using a block between our thighs to feel inner spiral). I may not be able to move tomorrow! But fun, fun, fun! Lots to play with in my personal practice, that's for sure.
Must get some sleep now, which could be interesting, as they've been cleaning my street for at least the last 2.5 hours that I've been home. =)
Posted by H-woman at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Breakfast Outside
It's finally getting nice enough to enjoy the other room in my house: the patio!
Very excited for Friday night, big grad party for my friend who's just graduated from medical school! Here's what I'm wearing:
My hair is getting did (I think in hot rollers) and I'll be wearing my favourite purple cat eye glasses, too.
Posted by H-woman at 9:08 AM 4 comments
Thursday, May 5, 2011
African Stew
Yummy, yummy! And an excellent way to get your dark leafy greens in (along with PB, and c'mon, who doesn't like PB?!)
It's from the cookbook, Cooking Vegetarian by Vesanto Melina & Joseph Forest. My friend, Lisa Q., made this for me and I've been hooked ever since. I can't make it without thinking about her!
Makes 6 cups
4 c vegetable stock
1 chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 c peeled, diced yams
1 c cooked chickpeas
1/2 c brown rice
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 c peanut butter
2 c chopped kale
2 TB lemon juice
tamari or soy sauce (optional)
hot sauce
In large pot over medium heat, saute onion and garlic in 2TB stock until soft. Add remaining stock, yams, chickpeas, rice and salt; simmer covered for 45 minutes.
In small bowl, blend peanut butter and 1/2 c of liquid from stew to make smooth paste. Stir into stew along with kale and cook for 5 minutes. Stir in tamari if using.
Serve with lemon wedge and hot sauce.
Posted by H-woman at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Wild Thing Part Deux
You kicked my ass!
But you still make my heart sing.
Posted by H-woman at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Spring Run Off
Well, maybe just a run on a spring day. =)
7.6 km/h
3.88 km
293 cal
Not bad for a week post cold (although I really need to remember to bring my inhaler when I run) and not running in a month!
I wore my running skirt/capri combo I bought when I was in Hawaii. It kept falling down! I'm not sure if (a) it's too big or (b) it's because I have a flat ass or (c) a combination of a & b! Either way, not cool.
Bizarre though since I wore them for Around the Bay and had no such issues....
Posted by H-woman at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 2, 2011
Busy Bee
My To-Do List for the day:
VOTE!It was great to see so many people (all ages) out to exercise their right to vote. When people are literally dying in this world for the right to vote, we have no excuse not to!LaundryOK, the worst of the laundry is done. Clean sheet day chez moi aujourd’hui!GroceriesYikes! I didn’t buy anything from the middle of the store and still over a hundred bucks…Veggie Prep for the weekCook Dinners for the week- African Stew
- Quinoa Vegetable Soufflé
- Teach Yoga
Enjoy the sunshine!
It’s a good day!
Posted by H-woman at 12:47 PM 0 comments
(non-scale victory--'cause it's not just about the scale)
Lost 2 inches from my waist & 1/2 inch from my arms since March!
Posted by H-woman at 8:51 AM 1 comments
Labels: NSV, weight loss
Friday, April 29, 2011
Yoga Weekend #2
Celebrating Lakshmi and Beltane here.
As usual on day shift, I have had 4 hours of sleep. Thank goodness I'm not driving to Golden, I'm catching a ride, so hopefully I can nap a little on the way.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
End of Season
Ski season, that is. Yep, I put my skis away. I've got Mondays off but the bus doesn't get me home in time to teach my yoga class, so unless someone's gonna drive out to the mountain and leave early so I can get home to teach, no more skiing this season. I almost cried.
But, my plan for next season: I'm taking holidays from teaching during ski season!! That way I can have 4 days of skiing every other week, plus every Saturday. Season's pass, here I come!
Today was a fabulous day off. Very little on my to-do list was accomplished, but whatever. I went to yoga and had a great practice, then had a great girl talk with my teacher. We talked about men, chocolate, teaching, men, yoga, was great! I left my house at 8:30 this morning and got home after 2!
Showered and went to meet my yoga sista for tea and a catch up. My cousin and her hubby picked me up for our monthly date. We ate at a new to us place, Koi. New favourite restaurant!! Finished it off with dessert at our fave ice cream place.
Now, I'd better get to bed--I have to be at work at 6 tomorrow (and that's am, not pm--my evening schedule is on hold for two days for training). This weekend is going to be great--another yoga retreat in Golden!
Posted by H-woman at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: days off, restaurants, skiing, yoga
Monday, April 25, 2011
On one hand: day off, mid-week, attend yoga class I've already paid for and missed last week, prepare to go to yoga retreat on weekend, recover from cold.
On the other: last day of skiing (for me) this season, base is still over 200cm.
Is it wrong that I think I'm skiing on Wednesday?!
Posted by H-woman at 9:34 PM 2 comments
Labels: skiing
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Sunday Reflections
As a kid, we spent every Easter at our friend's place in Eastern Alberta. Our cows were calving and spring was (usually) in the air.
The Easter Bunny always hid jelly beans and eggs (always check your shoes before putting them on) and brought us a chocolate bunny.
The rest of the day was spent like this:
It's a tradition I miss, but that's being carried on. My niece and nephew get a new kite from the Easter bunny, just like we did. come I bought their kites and forgot mine?
Not a very exciting weekend. I'm still fighting with a cough and congestion, but I'm quite sure I'll live. I'm trying to convince my co-worker that we should go skiing tomorrow as the last day of the season (the mountain doesn't actually close till May long weekend, though!). Went to a house party yesterday (cleverly disguised as a wedding shower) were there was good wine, good food, and good company. I have to work this afternoon so I should go and enjoy the sunshine while I can!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Wacky Wendesday
Not really wacky but I couldn't think of another 'w' word to go with Wednesday.
My napping caught up with me last night. I got a whopping two hours of sleep by 4 a.m., so emailed my yoga teacher to bail on class and took one of the pills I'd rather not be taking to sleep. Ahh, but sleep I did! It's amazing how refreshing a mere 6 hours can be!
I've got my mini air diffuser pumping out "Immune" blend (eucalyptus and more). Nerm's not so sure. I think she likes "stress release" better.
I did some yoga last night (mostly twists to get the lymph moving) and let's just say that down dog was messy. After three sun salutations, I gave up following the online class and just did my own thing!
I'd better get moving--I want to take the long way to work today so I can get some activity of some sort in.
Posted by H-woman at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The sore throat I've been fighting for the past week morphed into a full blown cold this morning. By Sunday night, I was slightly conjested and bam! this morning, add fever and chills to the mix. No trip to the dentist (for a filling--oh darn) or work for me.
Cuddling with Nerm, hot lemon and honey, a blankie, the fire and a good book (Rice Mother) and I'm set.
Posted by H-woman at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: health
Sunday, April 17, 2011
My legs doth protest! But there was 8cm of snow overnight at Sunshine. The streets in the city look dreadful. There is a slight possibility of not teaching yoga tomorrow night...there could be more skiing in my future!
Posted by H-woman at 9:27 AM 2 comments
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Jell-o Legs
That's what two days of skiing will getchya. Yesterday's weather was fan-freaking-tastic: sun, occasional flurries, did I mention sun, and no wind up on Goat's Eye.
I practiced some of the black runs I did last weekend and *gasp* even tried a few new ones! Had a small heart attack at lunch when I purchased a small bowl of chili (that comes with a teeny tiny bun) and a bottle of orange juice (I've been fighting a sore throat for days). You want HOW much? Yep, ten bucks. I stopped at Safeway last night and threw together a vat of my own chili while doing laundry for today.
Into the pot:
-an onion
-3 cloves garlic
-pound of lean ground turkey
-1 red, yellow and orange pepper
-1 zuke
-loads of 'shrooms
-can of kernel corn, drained and rinsed
-can of kidney beans, drained and rinsed
-can of lentils, drained and rinsed
-2 x 28oz cans of whole tomatoes (I rough chopped 'em up)
-package of chili seasoning for the crock pot (I'm out of chili spices and waiting for my Epicure order!)
Hey, for six bucks, I'll share some with you, and lemme tell ya, it's better than what you get on the hill!
Today I met up with my new skiing buddy, who's SEVENTY and we tackled the steeps and baby bumps. Too much fun! I know my skills are improving when I'm thinking that Delirium Dive (a double black run that requires avalanche gear to enter) might be possible (not this year, but sometime). The very fact that I'm not freaked out by this:
anymore is HUGE! The greatest part about skiing with Dan is that I know he won't take me somewhere out of my league. He'll push me, yes, but he is also contractually obligated to keep me alive and unhurt! =)
We were planning a few runs that we'll have to do when he's out of uniform--he's not allowed to take me on just anything!
Alas, my chili gave me great staying power (had to eat it cold because the microwaves in the lodge SUCK. One was broken and the other was being used by people trying to heat food from frozen. It took too long) to get through the day! Oh, and did I mention that I realized on the gondola that I forgot my mitts at home? Yep. So there went my plan of staying down on Goat's Eye & Wolverine all morning. Had to go to the top to buy a new pair. And apparently all women have small hands. Nary a mitten in my size to be found. So I walked out with some fabulous snazzy Burton gloves.
All in all, a good couple days of skiing. And there's supposed to be more snow tomorrow!
Posted by H-woman at 7:45 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Woke up this morning to inches of heavy, wet snow! I had to pick up Michelle at 7:30 and I've never driven her car in winter conditions--yikes. I'm a great driver, but let's just say there's more than a few people in Calgary who need some driving refreshers.
I went and got my hair did, too. The grey is no more (thank God) and I got a good 4 inches chopped off! Style, welcome back to my hair!
I've had a sore throat for the last few days so Nerm and I napped this afternoon (very strenuous). I've got my seat booked on the ski bus for today and tomorrow. Whoo hoo!
Posted by H-woman at 6:05 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Spring has Sprung!
I went for a run this morning in long sleeves and a running skirt! It was glorious! Note to self: remember your inhaler when you run.
5.01 km
7.25 km/h
402 cal
Added some hula hooping when I got home to whittle my waist. I need to lose an inch from my waist to get my waist:hip ratio at a healthy level. I also have a grad party to attend in just over a month and want to rock my favourite party dress! I have a feeling that down dog and chataranga may make a few more appearances in my yoga repertoire.
Day FIVE of continual sleep. I forgot how good it feels to wake up rested! It's been AGES!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Lovin' Life
What's not to love? I've slept for THREE (count 'em, THREE) days in a row, the sun is streaming in my kitchen window, Nerm's sitting on the windowsill giving the magpies the what-for and I've got a big mug of chai to sip on.
I had a great day skiing, although the morning didn't feel that great. I wandered around the mountain, not really finding my groove anywhere. I took a break after a few runs on Goat's Eye (right when the kidlet ski racers were eating lunch--it was not a quiet break, by any means!). When I went out again to shred the mountain, a Sunshine Snow Host approached me and asked if he could ski with me. Well sure! The more the merrier, I say and by this time I was pretty bored with the conversations I was having with myself.
We did a few runs on Goat's Eye--ones that I would never, EVER have attempted on my own (and probably not with anyone else, either). Goat's Eye is STEEP. That's it's claim to fame. There are NO green runs off the Goat's Eye chair. Anyhoo, black is my favourite colour, and don't they say that diamonds are a girl's best friend?! The best part of my new ski buddy: he is SEVENTY (or almost). New hero. We skied around on Goat's Eye, then headed over to the Divide chair and skied in BC for a bit! We have a date next Saturday, too! He also lives in my area of town, so I may have a new ski buddy next season! =)
This is what the top of Goat's Eye is like (it's the easiest way down to the tree line from the chair lift):
Last week when I was skiing with my cousin and his buddy, they showed me this video and we laughed all day. I still laugh, so I know it wasn't just the beer and natural mountain high. Enjoy!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Hi Ho, Hi Ho
It's off to the slopes I go!
Whoo hoo!!
Posted by H-woman at 6:45 AM 1 comments
Labels: skiing
Friday, April 8, 2011
Insomnia Part Trois
Well, new drugs helped last night! A blissful NINE hours of sleep, followed by an hour and a half snooze. I feel human again!
Not enough energy to tackle the huge pile of laundry, though! =)
Posted by H-woman at 11:43 AM 1 comments
Labels: sleep
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Insomnia Sucks Part Deux
Doctor's appointment at 1530h today.
Is it bad that all I want is to sleep?! My head hurts. My body aches. My eyes hurt. Arrrrgh! I just wish I could curl up with Nerm and sleep for days (and no, I'm not depressed, I'm just TIRED!!).
On a much happier note, Miss Nermal Ruth got a clean bill of health from her doctor this morning. Check out my hunter-in-residence(it's an old photo--I haven't had a tv for almost 2 years!):
Posted by H-woman at 10:15 AM 0 comments