Saturday, July 2, 2011

Friday Wrap-up

What a week!

I worked four days this week and put in overtime every.single.night. Anywhere from an hour to 4.25. Sheesh! I'm a little tired and bleary eyed.

Good news, my cousin is driving to the family picnic tomorrow, so instead of being up and on a bus by 0830h, I don't have to get up until then. He's picking me up at 0930h and we'll hit the road. We've been playing phone tag--I haven't actually seen him since we went skiing for his birthday on April Fool's Day. Where has this year gone already?!

With that, I'd better hit the hay. I only got one run in this week, so if I wake up early, I'd like to go for a quick one before we leave. If not, I'm taking my ball glove, a fast ball, a soft ball, a football and a volleyball. There will be activity to be had!

Before work this afternoon, I had a quick yoga practice (obviously, these are not photos of me!):

Salamba sarvangasana (shoulder stand, Mother of all asanas)

Halasana (plow pose)


Sirsasana II (tripod headstand, king of all asanas)




I felt great afterwards!


Anonymous said...

Anantasana...this is have down. The others...maybe not for me in this lifetime, I will just have to wait and see.

Have a fabulous day of family, frolic and fun!

Roz @ weightingfor50 said...

Hello. Just found your blog via Jaime's site. Had to stop by and say thank you! Love your posts (I'm a big yoga fan, am a fellow Canadian (in Vancouver) and am on weight watchers, so your recipes are fantastic) I'm also smitten with your cats! (we have one as well, who adds alot of joy to our lives). I've bookmarked and will visit often. Have a great week.