Monday, July 26, 2010

Yoga Play Date

Today is day #2 of Lynn's Yoga Challenge.

My friend and fellow teacher Sonya came over to play!

We warmed up with a few rounds of Surya Namaskar (sun salutations). Then we played upside down for a bit:

Headstand (Look mom, no hands!)

This is actually from a few months ago. Today's headstand was free form, in the middle of the room. I just needed a spotter!

Then we played around a bit with pincha mayurasana and handstand. Photos from Yoga Journal.

We did some quad and shoulder warm ups and then brought out the big guns: Urdhva danurasana and Ustrasana

All of our backbends were counter balanced with forward bends, some twists and a lovely savasana.

Then we went outside and played with our hula hoops!


Sonya @ Eyes on the Hourglass said...

Wow...that's impressive. I have to say you are WAY more advanced with this yoga thing than I.

Good work on the yoga challenge!!!

Amber said...

Hmmm sounds amazing! I did a hot yoga flow class tonight and it was wonderful. I LOVE backbends - they are my favourite. I haven't done a headstand in a LONG time though. I'm gonna have to try it again!

ElleBee said...

That is SO cool!!! I think I'd hurt myself trying to do that pose. ;)