Monday, September 7, 2009


A year ago today, I said goodbye to one of my bestest friends ever:

It seems like only yesterday. She taught me so much, 'cause she had 20.5 years of living under her belt (that's like 90 something human years).
Like how to laze properly in a sunbeam.
How to enjoy every minute whether you're cuddling on the couch, getting stoned with a catnip filled sock or eating dinner.
Never let anyone tell you beauty sleep is not necessary. Do it whenever you can.
Good hair is not to be under estimated (she had the most beautiful coat, right up until the day she died).
You can find new friends in the strangest and most difficult of circumstances (Christie, Dr. Kim).
Always tell your human that you love them. Often.
And above all else, live each day in each moment and with grace and compassion.

I miss her so much every day. I miss her purr (it was VERY loud), the way she'd cuddle into my armpit at night and the pitter patter of her Kitty feet coming to meet me at the door.

RIP, mon petit chou chou. I miss you, Doodlebug.

So in her honour, I whipped up an amazing batch of curry (if I do say so myself). Here we have 2/3 cup of bulgur, 1 cup of channa masala with spinach, 1 cup of aloo ghobi, 1 TB of yogurt and fresh cilantro. Some of my finest work, ever. Washed down with a cold Rock Creek cider from my friends at Big Rock Brewery.

She'd approve.


Amber said...

Aww, that's exactly how I feel about Webster!! Pets can teach us so much!