Monday, April 29, 2013

It's the end of April? WTH?!

How did that happen?! Last time I looked, it was my baby cousin's birthday. He's an April fool. And tomorrow is the last day of the month already!

Time is flying by. That's what happens when you're having fun!

My new job is going great. I'm rocking the new clothes, my boss loves me, I love my new schedule, and I'm having fun after work, too. My cousin and I are going to aquasize twice a week. Tonight's class wasn't so great due to a disengaged instructor, but we had fun regardless. And hey, it's good it to get out, have a girl talk and move around at the same time.

Ski season is almost over. It makes me very, very sad. I'm hoping to get into the Dive this weekend. Fingers crossed for snow and then some bluebird days!

My mom surprised me with a visit yesterday. It also involved a shopping trip with my grandma (Mom lied--she told me they were done shopping--I don't shop with the old lady. I will take her to medical appointments and translate the medical speak, but I refuse to shop with her any more. Not since the Lazy-Boy incident.) It was cool, I got a chance to hang out with my mom unexpectedly.

I've had a crazy twitchy eye all day. Not fun.

And that's what's new in my world. Nothing too exciting, but good all around. I'll take it.