Friday, May 25, 2012

Fantastic Friday!

I love having every other Friday off!

I love my Friday morning yoga class. That goes for caffeine afterwards. We talk, we support, we laugh, we cry, we eat and we drink. Sometimes we shop, too.

Today I got home at quarter to four. What great conversation! Great food!

Today I rocked bakasana. ROCKED it like never before. As in, I held it for more than a breath, more than once! Who knew that all this practicing would actually pay off?!

And then I came home and had a lovely nap in front of the fire on the couch with Nermal. Life is sweet and full. It's all good. =D

Monday, May 21, 2012

What my yoga practice has taught me this week...

  1. Practice really does make perfect! Not that I didn't know this already, but sometimes you forget. I did lots of hip openers this week, culminating in padmasana (lotus) pose today. Ardha padmasana (half lotus) is where it's at currently, but padmasana is there, waiting patiently in the sidelines for me to practice, practice, practice. And one day, my right foot will slide up over my left shin and rest in my left hip crease. It's *this* close!
  2. Yoga keeps me young. It keeps you young too. I've been spending a lot of time with my 83 year old grandmother lately (not necessarily by choice, more on that later) and I see how she struggles to move. There is no suppleness in her spine. No breath awareness. No body awareness. An inability to get down on hands and knees, let alone get up again. Good thing she has a 'help, I've fallen and can't get up' button. I shudder at the thought of not being able to come to my mat, sit with intention and then push back into child's pose before that sweet transition into down dog. Ahhh, the first dog of the day...yet another reason to keep the mat rolled out and in plain sight. I don't mind getting old (I like to think I'm getting smarter with each passing year), but I want to be old and able to move!
  3. The ultimate aim of my practice is to know myself better, right? Right. And my ultimate purpose is to serve, right? Right. Seems the Universe has thrown me another way to serve and it's not necessarily what I was looking for. But just like in an asana, we set the physical boundary first and then expand out from our heart. So that's what I've done with my grandmother. I've set my boundary: I will attend necessary medical appointments with her. I am the only family member who has knowledge of (a) medical terminology and (b) the medical system. But that is all. I can do that. But I won't give her two of my days off and a morning before work in a two week period. I will NOT shop with her (remind me to tell you the lazy-boy shopping story one day--well, on second thought, that's what made me have to set that boundary in the first place. Suffice it to say it was not an enjoyable experience and I will inherit the UGLIEST lazy-boy glider rocker known to man.) She has 4 grown children, 8 other grandchildren and 2 great-grandkids that are old enough to drive. So it doesn't have to be me that does everything. I can do some, but not all. I will do some, but not all. So yeah, my service has expanded and I've been working to keep my heart light and tongue soft and remember my higher purpose. This is also my yoga practice.
  4. Saying was Slush Cup. The end of ski season. =( And I was home, nursing this nasty cold virus. So I got on my mat and remembered all the great times I had in the mountains this winter. Smiled softly. And let it go. And now it is spring...the promise of something new. Sweet. Lilacs almost blooming, the scent of freshly mowed grass, and the warmth of the sun on my face as I sit on my patio and drink in the birth of a new season. Mojito, anyone?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I've made the list 100 times.

I know all the reasons why it's important for me to lose the 20 pounds I've re-gained.

But you know what my biggest motivator is right now?
Nope, it's got nothing to do with me being single.

Or healthier.

Or my ability to run faster.

Give up?

I'll tell you: I want to get my hips ass up over my head and kick up easily into handstand!

Whatever the reason that's motivating me, I don't care. It's keeping me focused. Focused on what fuels my body. Focused on my practice. Focused on my core: my physical, mental and spiritual core.

And now, my mat beckons. It's been laid out in my living room all month (thanks to Amy's 30-day challenge). I don't roll it up every day, because then it's easy to just not practice.

But like my autographed copy of my teacher, Darren's, book, Yoga Resource, it reminds me: Please practice! Please practice!

So I practice. I practice L-stand at the wall. I practice rooting from the base of my heart, down my arms and into my hands that are pressed firmly into the earth. I practice kicking up (betchya my downstairs neighbour loves that! Bet they want me to lose those 20 pounds, too =D ). I practice floating. Practice is the operative word here.

And with practice, I strengthen my physical core. My mental core strengthens. And most importantly, I strengthen my spiritual core.

Please practice! Please practice!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What an inspirational quote!

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.A passage from Theodore Roosevelt’s “Citizenship in a Republic” April 23, 1910

I've been making a lot of lists lately.

  • To-Do
    • I will change the kitchen light bulb eventually, but the combination of 10 foot ceilings, living alone and a fear of heights is a bit of a challenge.
  • Weightloss 
    • diligently tracking what I put in my mouth
    • drinking 3L of water/day
    • limit eating out (I'm an amazing cook, I love doing it, but hate cleaning up the aftermath in the kitchen. Still, I can prepare amazing, good, real food cheaper and healthier than anything I can eat in a restaurant.)
  • Exercise 
    • walking for 30 minutes a day--not for fitness per se, but rather mental health. And walking to and from work doesn't count.
    • Skiing!! Ski season isn't over yet!
    • physio exercises 
  • Yoga 
    • I'm a member of an online 30-day challenge group. May's challenge: core. Today was plank and navasana (boat). Tomorrow I'm floating with Noah Maze on Yogaglo. I can't wait!
    •  resume my personal practice. Why is it always the first thing to go?

 And that's where I am right now. Crossing things off my lists, and striving to do my best with enthusiasm. Life's too short to do otherwise!
